
怀俄明州夏安(Cheyenne)•6000平方公里. ft.

Design Team: Kurt Dubbe, AIA; Brian Tarantola, Becky Smith, Eric Wandmacher


在库尔特·杜比的指导下, DMA provided historic architectural services for the restoration of the Historic Governors’ Mansion in Cheyenne, WY. The dedicated stabilization and restoration team worked passionately, carefully and methodically to bring the Mansion back to its original form. 这个过程需要温柔, 耗时的清洗方法, 对细节有敏锐的眼光, 并承诺准确保存.

The history embodied in this mansion brings to life the people who served the State of Wyoming and the Nation from this location. 1890年成为美国州后的14年, the State of Wyoming built its first governor’s mansion in 1904. 它是由查尔斯·默多克设计的, and considered modern because of its’ central plumbing, 热水热, 燃气和电气装置的组合. 1905年1月正式落成后, the Mansion served as home to nineteen of Wyoming’s Governors and their families for 71 years, (1905 to 1976). The greatest distinction for the Mansion was in 1925; it was the first Governor’s Mansion to house a woman governor. In 1977, the home opened to the public as a historic house museum. Today, the Mansion is open for self-guided tours and group guided tours. Electronic touch-screens are available throughout the property to provide information about the former Governors, 第一夫人, 和大厦建筑.

To help understand the interpretation process we have to look at the goal of teaching history, 哪一个 is to tell the stories in ways that everyone can understand. 通过这些对过去的回忆, 听众获得了感同身受的理解, 哪一个, 反过来, 导致敏感, 意识, 和欣赏. Historic places have powerful stories to tell, but they cannot speak for themselves. It is up to those trained in the language of history to translate those stories into the common language of the public at large. This telling of the stories of a place is called interpretation, a form of education that seeks to make connections between historic places and history, between the lives we lead today and the lives that once filled these spaces.

The historic site is in a residential neighborhood within walking distance of the Wyoming State Capitol and State Administration Buildings and close to the downtown Cheyenne Historic District and the Historic Union Pacific Railroad Depot. Situated within the Rainsford Neighborhood Historic District, it is surrounded by nearly 300 structures comprised of late-Victorian dwellings built between the 1800’s and the mid-1900’s. During the seventy-one years of occupancy the mansion was never enclosed by a fence, 也没有现场保安.

外部工作范围包括场地, 入口门廊, 砖石结构, 木制品, 窗户, 门, 照明灯具, 入口坡道和后门廊.  场地外围需要重新修整, repositioning in-ground sprinklers and extending downspouts to improve surface drainage around the perimeter of buildings and mitigate moisture concerns in the basement.  

入口门廊必须被清洁和稳定, 其中涉及砖石的清洗和稳定, 重新定位砂浆接缝. The original solid sandstone columns at the entry were quarried locally in 4 sections and placed on top of each other. The top halves of the columns are fluted and the Corinthian style capitals were carved on site. 结果是, they required special attention and careful cleaning and stabilization to avoid damaging the hand-carved profiles.

Woodwork and brickwork were carefully cleaned and stabilized. 外面的木制品必须修理, 如果可能的话, 它被替换以匹配现有材料. Brickwork required re-pointing the mortar joints with mortar that matched the original. The brickwork included erecting a new sign on the front lawn, in keeping with the building design.

Since 窗户 and 门 are important character defining features in historic structures, stabilization and restoration involved repairing existing 窗户 rather than replacing them. Removable storm 窗户 were provided to maintain good thermal performance.

A few other key exterior projects included stabilizing the back porch by adding a new structural deck, refurbishing the existing access ramp by polishing away rust stains and installing an ADA compliant guardrail.

室内工作包括修复木制品, 地板, 天花板, 墙面装饰, kitchen appliances and bathroom fixtures and fittings. Extensive restoration of the interior was done and the present décor reflects various time periods and lifestyles, 其中包括1905, 1937, 1955年和60年代. All existing interior 木制品 and various character defining features were repaired and restored to maintain historic integrity. 基于历史照片, wallpaper in the dining room was installed to match the original fabric covered wall. All 木制品, such as cabinets and 地板 were cleaned and restored. The kitchen is nearly identical to its 1937 appearance and includes the same gas range, 1937年的Magic Chef 6300.

The Carriage House restoration involved cleaning and stabilizing all exterior 砖石结构, 木制品, 门窗. All elements were restored and or remodeled to the original location and design. The garage door was removed and replaced with the original design gathered from historic photos. The restoration of the cupola was significant because the original had been removed many years ago. The new cupola was reintroduced based on historic photographs.

Read more details about this Wyoming Heritage monument.



